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Ferndale Area PTO

2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR

 Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year at Ferndale Area Elementary! We'd like to take a moment to introduce ourselves. The Ferndale Area Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer organization open to families, teachers, administrators and support staff who are all dedicated to the successful education of our children. We provide many opportunities, events and assistance to our school family, as well as purchasing items and equipment that are beneficial to all of the students and staff of Ferndale Area School District.


Here are the values that we bring as an organization:

  • We believe that it isn't just about helping out in our own child or children's classrooms; rather that we assist ALL of the children at Ferndale and benefit the students as a whole.
  • We believe in building good relations with ALL faculty and support staff.
  • We believe in building good relations with other parents as well.
  • We believe in donating our creativity and a little bit of our personal time to assist with various events held at the school, both during the day and after hours.


How Can I be Involved in the PTO?

  • Attend meetings to brainstorm new activities or fundraisers
  • Volunteer at the elementary and high school buildings
  • Clipping "Box Tops" labels for our annual collection in February
  • Annual Trunk or Treat for Halloween
  • Helping serve lunch to Fernstock fans
  • Winter Activities Day
  • Filling and hiding over 2000 plastic eggs for the Bunny Egg Hunt in April
  • Participating in our events/meetings and enjoying our school community


Our meetings will be held in the Ferndale Elementary School library the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm. More information will come about the dates for meetings. Please consider joining us at a meeting to hear more about all that we do and how you too can help support our school. Please feel free to email us at with any questions or concerns. We look forward to getting to know you and hope we do all we can to make you feel welcome.



PTO Events

4th Grade Painting Party